Out of the woods or so we thought...
Here in New York we have suddenly been snowed in, there goes my beloved outdoor run...As I am sitting here sipping my ginger, lemon and turmeric tea (home made but more on that later) and working on the Wellness program to be launched next month I am suddenly inundated with messages "Steph, I cant' go to the gym I will have to skip a workout today"... Eeer say what? Ok I know the gym is an awesome playground with loads of fun equipment and FAB people to hang out with but a work out is a work out and you gotta get the job done and so I send out an "in your home or wherever you may roam" move session. As I just sent out my last one I thought that it would only be fair to share this with you all today so here we go. No equipment needed. The principle of this 20 or so minute session is based on interval: 1 minute of a cardio move (choose from 3 below) and then 1 minute of a bodyweight move, repeat 10 times changing the bodyweight move. This will pump the heart rate, wake you up, give you a physical and mental boost and torch some 200 to 300 calories!!! The principle: alternate between 1 minute of one of the cardio moves (select only one and commit to it for the whole session) and each bodyweight move So for example you would have 20 burpees, then 1 minute squates then 20 burpees then 1 minute lunges, 20 burpees etc... until you have done all 10 bodyweight moves: Step 1: select your cardio move, you will commit to this cardio move throughout the workout:
Step 2: Let's move!!!! Start with your cardio move and insert this move in between each of the 10 bodyweight movement listed below, each movement is performed for 1 minute:
Finish with a final power minute of your cardio move Give yourself a good stretch, maybe a downward dog, standing forward fold, a long runners lunge on each leg, stretch to the left, to the right, inhale, exhale, inhale and DONE DONE DONE DONE... and guess what that probably took you just over 20 minutes!!! How awesome do you feel? Don't you just LOVE that FIT_FAB feeling? You want more? You know what would be even more awesome? If you joined beFITbeFAB hub!!! Yes, you would receive all these workouts directly into your personal hub, you'd log your workouts and track your progress, you'd see demo videos & explanations in case you' need help and you'd get feedback from me, your personal Coach Steph B. Come on, you know you want to, just give us a try, drop us a note [email protected] with "free trial" in the subject box and I'll be in touch. Hope you had fun doing this session. Can't wait to hear about how well you did!!! Laugh Everyday, sweat Everyday! If you believe it you become FIT! FABulously yours, Coach Steph B
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